Last weekend I made my 2009 Wheel of the Year Mandala. This is the fifth year I've made a WOTY mandala, it's become one of my touchstone New Year's activities. I gather with a group of friends and we put our mandala's together. We each approach the project slightly differently. I first have to choose my primary deck, this year I used the Kitty Kahane deck. I love the way she interprets the RWS images. I pull one card per month, and one card for the year. I also pick a card from the Gaian Tarot majors only deck for my year card. I then pull the same cards from 2 more decks. I try to use decks that will help me expand my understanding of the card as it manifests that month. This year I used the Aquarian and Crone's Tarots. I also pick a card from a deck of inspirational phrases for each month and the year. It's interesting to see how these random phrases synchronize with, or seem to contradict, the card of the month.
This year's themes are the Empress and the 2 of Swords, and the phrase is "Look within".
January--Page of Cups "Open Your Heart"
February--King of Cups "Follow Your Joy"
March--King of Swords "BeYourself"
April--3 of Cups "Anything is Possible"
May--Magacian "Live Unconditionally"
June--10 of Pentacles "Celebrate Life"
July--9 of Pentacles "Release the Old"
August --10 Cups "Follow Your Being"
September --Wheel of Fortune "Embrace the New"
October --Lovers "Define Your Purpose"
November --Moon "Worry Not"
December --Queen of Swords "Change Viewpoints"
I feel very positive about the cards for this upcoming year. I see some cycles coming to completion (Kings and tens), change (Wheel), and personal control (Kings and Magician). It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.