Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2 0f Pentacles, Spiral Tarot

I open my tarot blog with this card, the 2 of pentacles. I admit that I picked this card because I have the image on my computer, and could easily post it here. But it has given me a lot to think about.

2 of Pentacles

Balance and choice.

The 2 of pentacles in the Spiral tarot is a rather static card, compared to the two in other decks. The movement here is represented by the juggler's hat, not the act of juggling itself.

Note the two flowers, one of which is in bloom and the other that has wilted. The ocean in the background shows opposites as well, calm on one side and choppy on the other.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Wow, I had not noticed all these differences before. I think keeping this blog will be a good practice for me. Another way to look deeply at the card images.


Unknown said...

Good point about the dualities in this card. My attention was particularly drawn to the hat.

Design-wise, too many different fonts are distracting.


Karen said...

I know what you mean about the fonts, but I can't get them to change!