Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2 of pentacles, further musings

Whimsical ------------------------ World Spirit ------------------ Tarot of Prague

Here are three more examples of the Two of Pentacles

In the Whimsical we see Jack Spratt and his wife.

Jack Spratt can eat no fat,
his wife can eat no lean,
and so betwixt the two of them,
they licked the platter clean

Another sort of balance, where the two opposites come together to make a whole, or complete a project. This card says to me that one way is not better than another, but together they are stronger than they are alone.

The World Spirit tarot speaks more of decision making, weighing your options and making your choice. The pentacles she holds are differently colored. Is one better or are they just different? Notice how she stands, one bare foot on a water swept rock. We've caught her right in the midst of moving. This is a very active card.

The Tarot of Prague shows a similar image, though this time our juggler has two feet firmly on the ground though his arms are actively moving. His decision may be harder as the pentacles look identical. The clock tower in the background adds a sense of urgency, time is passing.

The 2 of pentacles isn't always about decisions, it can also be balancing many things at once. But I have decisions on my mind right now, and the consequences of your decisions. A few weeks ago at the Women of Wisdom conference I had to decide between two workshops, Tarot or Egyptian Mysteries. I was torn, then I heard that the Egyptian Mysteries material would also be offered in a longer format a few weeks later. Ah ha--I could have my cake and eat it too. I signed up for the tarot class, knowing I'd have the Egyptian experience later. I just received a phone call that the Egyptian workshop was being canceled. There are unseen consequences to any decision. No one knows what the future holds.


Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

excellent start, you have great insight, seeing around the obvious to the not so obvious. Thanks for sharing, Quirk

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