Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ace of Cups, International Icon

Divine Love

I was pleased to pull the Ace of Cups for my card of the week. I find the Aces challenging when they appear in a reading, so I welcome this opportunity to meditate on Aces.

The Ace of Cups in the International Icon Tarot shows the cup floating in the air, a dove drops a wafer into the cup, which causes the cup to overflow. Love, Love, Love. It's all about love. In this stylized version of the RWS image we see how God's Love (symbolized by the dove and wafer) overflows and mixes with the waters of the Earth. This could also symbolize what happens when you let the Divine into your heart. There is a synergistic effect. What is available to you in your heart is increased many times, overflowing out into the world. Open up to love and your supply of love increases exponentially. Connections are made (note the streams of water), what is above mixes with what is below. As above ,so below. As within, so without. As in Heaven, so on Earth.

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