Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Devil, Victorian Romantic and Housewives

Ah, Sweet Temptation!

Here we have two faces of the tempting qualities of the Devil card. The Victorian Romantic Devil offers us flowers and riches, while the Housewives Tarot Devil (cake) offers us things that aren't really very good for us. Spam, TV dinners, cigarettes and more.

Each Devil comes in an attractive package. Appealing to our bodies in the guise of Devils Food Cake. And appealing to our avarice in the guise of a beautiful woman. But look at those wings on the VR Devil, she's no angel! Note how she steps on the white flower of purity, while offering the red roses of lust.

Interesting that I pulled the Devil for my card this week. I've been dealing with the challenge of resisting temptation for the last few months. The Devil was my card for the year on my Wheel of the Year Mandala for 2007, that was the year I came to terms with ways my habits had held me captive. The Devil this week reminds me that I still have work to do.

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